‘That’s what we call websites now, multi page apps’ – @adactio #CSSDay
‘That’s what we call websites now, multi page apps’ – @adactio #CSSDay
@adactio Maybe their terrible non-linear algorithm saved the day for many average people.
@adactio I told a friend “I’ve been more productive than usual as Facebook is down”
He took out his phone, opened the app, and said “looks like it’s working for me” as cached 4 day old stories appeared in his news feed.
@Wordridden @adactio Happy birthday @adactio and thank you for championing the web!
Can you do a pose like this?
@simonw @adactio flickity.metafizzy.co/ or pretty much anything @desandro writes
“Not only is web performance a user experience issue, it may well be *the* user experience issue.”
@equinusocio @SaraSoueidan @MinaMarkham I saw it mentioned by @adactio in his “Spirit of the Web” talk at An Event Apart Chicago in 2012. Notes: lukew.com/ff/entry.asp?1616
@adactio Is it jumping over any lazy dogs?
Google AMP lead doesn’t like being called a liar by @adactio
@adactio ok. Why not?
@adactio You should read @theinclinepgh while there for local news.
@adactio Now try it from Australia
@adactio @cdevroe And an example of it in use github.com/kingkool68/wordpress-…
@adactio @cdevroe There’s also a whole PHP library for Twitter text tools github.com/mzsanford/twitter-tex…
Finished reading @adactio’s resilientwebdesign.com in a cabin with no cell service/wifi because the book is designed for offline reading.
Everytime you see a captcha, that is a developer deciding that a spambot is a user problem, not a developer problem. – @adactio #aeaorl
In contrast, JavaScript is an imperative language, containing exact instructions. @adactio #aeaorl
CSS and HTML are declarative languages. They declare what they want, and the browser figures it out. @adactio #aeaorl
“why are we making JavaScript a requirement to render text on the screen?” – @adactio #aeabos
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.