Following #cssday tweets and I forgot how much I missed following conferences on Twitter
Following #cssday tweets and I forgot how much I missed following conferences on Twitter
I’m speaking at #CSSDay today about #Interop22. Find my slides, demos, and resources here noti.st/rachelandrew/MSFKri/inte…
‘That’s what we call websites now, multi page apps’ – @adactio #CSSDay
“The default margin on the side of a blockquote element is 40px (and not an em unit) because that’s what Mosaic did.” @meyerweb #cssday t.co/YFRgEbkgkP
Parsing HTML is hard.
I got 4 out of 20 questions correct! #htmlquiz #cssday #html5test html5te.st/quiz
Slides of my #cssday presentation now up at quirksmode.org/presentations/Spr…
CSS coach quirksmode.org/css-coaching.html – @cssdayconf and @perfnowconf co-organiser