Doctypes went invented for browsers they were made for validators. #aea
Redo the presentation with commentary on this time. #aea makes heavy use of css3 for their design. No images were used. #aea
is it scary that ie9 got more applause at #aea?
IE9, IE9, IE9, IE9!!!!!! #aea
Don’t tie your markup to your visual design. #aea
Ajax = unicorns #aea
The job of a front end developer is to constantly ask “what if” and design for those situations. #aea
The internet is a giant copy machine. #aea
Clean markup good. IE specific libraries… BAD. #aea
The shwag for all 2011 @AnEventApart attendees should be real bookends, molded to look like @zeldman & @veen #aea
@ryanhoonlaverty take notes be tweeting in a feed apart. Long tap and open links in a new page. Multitasking is here today. #aea
Some stuff @malarkey says is awesome and other stuff leaves me on the fence. #aea
Information wants to be free and code wants to be wrong. #aea
@julianomoreira_ nothing short of astounding. #aea
Can you imagine Apple with a different looking site in different browsers? I don’t. #aea
Rip geocities #aea