“One of the best ways to sell a design system internally is to stop using the phrase ‘design system’.” — @danmall #aeabos
“One of the best ways to sell a design system internally is to stop using the phrase ‘design system’.” — @danmall #aeabos
“why are we making JavaScript a requirement to render text on the screen?” – @adactio #aeabos
Setting the source order helps you get to know the content better, which translates into the design. @jensimmons at #aeabos
If you start out with poor quality content, making your website responsive won’t magically fix your content. – @karenmcgrane #aeabos
Future of web design: remove every distraction you possibly can, focus on the content, make it readable on every device. – @zeldman #aeabos
Strategy Director, writer, speaker, educator. Author Learning Responsive Web Design (O’Reilly). Married to @AJKandy. She/her. #a11y #BlackLivesMatter #MMIW