How good was #ConvergeSE? It was 6 pounds in 4 days good!
How good was #ConvergeSE? It was 6 pounds in 4 days good!
Another #ConvergeSE has come and gone, but you can revisit all of the tweets and photos here: eventifier.co/event/convergese/ epilogger.com/events/convergese-…
@chriscoyier awesome talk at #convergese today. Maybe one day I’ll work on a project that uses SASS to get to use it.
Awesome conversation with the Design Director of the Obama campaign #ConvergeSE
Went to a web developer conference, got a farmers tan. #convergese
“Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of intelligent action” #convergese
Live tweeting stuff from #ConvergeSE talks on my other account @russellheimlich
My morning started with a laser show. How’s your Friday morning? #convergese
Were getting close. A big increase in Palmetto tree sightings and swamps. #convergese
You know you’re getting close to South Carolina when the billboards start getting ridiculous. #convergese
My favorite solution for customer service? The FastCustomer app. You tell it who to call and they call you (also, it’s free). #convergese
Create products of the web not products on the web #convergese
“This isn’t print design” I wish more people would realize that! #convergese
I Happy, are you? #convergese
Road tripping down to South Carolina with @jfc3 for #ConvergeSE
#convergese swag: 4 shirts, 3 books, sunglasses, a shot glass, pens, stickers and memories to last a life time.
Sad to see #convergese come to an end but nothing really ends when there is Twitter… and @twitpic
“Its like an episode of cougar town up here on the roof deck.” – @cohenspire #convergese
View From The Toilet pi.pe/-fyqac6 #convergese #Sheraton
I had an awesome time at #ConvergeSE this year. Huge congrats to the @convergese team for putting on an amazing show!
I am a teacher at @Treehouse and an independent game developer.