A #convergese speaker was on Deal or No Deal is.gd/TJP8Gw
A #convergese speaker was on Deal or No Deal is.gd/TJP8Gw
Boston Globe’s new responsive header is mind blowing. Gotta ask him how he did that later. #convergese
Design + Development cycle = devign HT @mattcheadle @beep #convergese
It’s a conference talk about a conference talk. #convergese
CSS Shapes russellheimlich.com/blog/pure-cs… #convergese
Liked the Trale Lewous video (Skittles video)? There’s a lot more! youtube.com/user/nathanjbarnatt #convergese
“build it for all of them (browsers) or none of them. I don’t want webkit to be the IE6 of 2015” ~ @codepo8 #convergese
#ConvergeSE is awesome so far. Small note: some you… Bathe before you go into public. You know who you are.
Lunch time conversation: local area strip clubs. #convergese
How to Ue A Phone via @johncoates #convergese is.gd/Y87Jh5
Canadians love hockey and public sex #convergese
#convergese is #sxsw beta
@joshtheorange Keep your eye on @vidcapper for captioning Lazers not needed #convergese
Rode Podcaster USB mic is an awesome choice for upping your audio quality on the cheap amazon.com/gp/product/B000JM46FY… #convergese
RT @cohenspire Love the positive attitude of @jenseninman. The impact she wants to make is amazing and deserves so much praise. #convergese
#convergese Don’t forget about the International Day of Awesomeness dayofawesomeness.com/ (same day as Chuck Norris’s b-day)
@trentwalton Layer blend modes are technically possible developer.mozilla.org/en/Canvas_… #convergese
#convergese back channel should be fun today. Come hang out convore.com/convergese-2011/welc…
Need to figure out the ideal time to attempt to go to the bathrooms. #convergese
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.