🚀 Jump on in and enjoy this forever growing, and regularly updated Thread of bite-sized, and easy to put into practice, UI & UX Design MicroTips by @mrcndrw #ui #ux #uxdesign #design #webdesign Pls RT t.co/K2vqsx8U6f
🚀 Jump on in and enjoy this forever growing, and regularly updated Thread of bite-sized, and easy to put into practice, UI & UX Design MicroTips by @mrcndrw #ui #ux #uxdesign #design #webdesign Pls RT t.co/K2vqsx8U6f
I am looking for a new challenge! I will be available from the first week of February.
Please get in touch with any roles you think would be suitable. I will be staying in Amsterdam and not relocating.
Thank you
Made an SVG animated login avatar, with the help of some trigonometry & GSAP. #animation #UX #gsap
codepen.io/dsenneff/pen/QajVxO t.co/IgpQrlS9RD
We’ve got a double feature! Coworker @SolomonSScott & friend @DavidAKennedy speaking at @WordPressDC Tues: meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/22… #js #ux
Interactive chart of freelance rates for designers/developers: hellobonsai.com/rates #ux #ui #ia #mobile #dataviz
Progressive enhancement is crafting experiences that enable your users to access content without tech restrictions @AaronGustafson #UX #RWD
Warning: Do not use your browser’s back button from this page. #UX
tickets & sponsorships for @AccessCampDC are now available – bit.ly/1bGiEVP #a11y #dev #design #ux #usability #camp
reminder to save October 13th, 2012, to attend the 4th Annual Accessibility Camp DC event. @AccessCampDC #a11y #AxS #DCTech #UX #fb
Nice!! RT @PatriceBTwit RT @webaxe Great site by designer who is colorblind ow.ly/9KE8F #a11y #color #ux HT @AquinasWI @sketchfolio
@Nethermind okay #a11y #UX
Ah, it is Washington DC #aea with lots of so -called #UX experts, trying out my MOBILE interrface bit.ly/o4gBvR They like rainbows?
@MattBowen Feeple, #ux
If you are a #design #ui #ux #ia pro, worthwhile reading: Web #Accessibility for Designers zite.to/ppa2Ga HT @pauljadam
@Jennison You can’t use something unless you can access it. #accessibility #usability #ux #a11y
For a daytime crowd: Sharing my @webaxe guest blog post: IT #Accessibility Goes To Camp weba.im/axscmp #webdev #ux #design
@Jennison It would scold the user for not using control/cmd +/- #UX #accessibility
reminder there are only a few days left to register for Accessibility Camp DC on Oct 9. bit.ly/bWjyAu #a11y #AxS #gov20 #UX #UI #IA
Accessibility Camp DC event CANCELED for October 11, 2014