calling it done: responsivewptheming.com/ #RWD #WordPress
calling it done: responsivewptheming.com/ #RWD #WordPress
Progressive enhancement is crafting experiences that enable your users to access content without tech restrictions @AaronGustafson #UX #RWD
Mobile technology fact sheet: data about mobile usage from @pewinternet pewinternet.org/fact-sheets/mobi… #wclanc #rwd #mobile
RICG Responsive Images WordPress Plugin using srcset. Install. Activate. You’re Done. #rwd #wclanc @jcasabona
Inline SVG vs Icon Fonts css-tricks.com/icon-fonts-vs-svg… #rwd #wclanc @jcasabona
.@jcasabona talking about #rwd & themes. Not quite sure what the Star Wars reference is about. #wclanc
The web community sure likes to bicker about accessibility and costs. Do you build sites with #RWD from the beginning? Do the same for #a11y
In 2015 we should stop using the term “#RWD” and call it plain “#webdesign.” There is now little difference.
Just sayin. @RWD @abookapart
.@taupecat is trying to make “responsify” happen. She’s talking now on #RWD and WordPress taupecat.com/responsify/ #wcbalt
All the @pewresearch WordPress websites are now responsive! (@PewHispanic, @allthingscensus, @pewglobal) Check them out on mobile. #RWD
Hey #aea – if you need more #rwd, I’m teaching a hands-on responsive web design workshop for @dcww on 8/14 in DC. responsivewebdesign.eventbrite.c…
Strategy Director, writer, speaker, educator. Author Learning Responsive Web Design (O’Reilly). Married to @AJKandy. She/her. #a11y #BlackLivesMatter #MMIW