That @adactio is so smart. How to combine all those social media meta tags and reduce meta tag crap adactio.com/journal/9881
That @adactio is so smart. How to combine all those social media meta tags and reduce meta tag crap adactio.com/journal/9881
@adactio @jensimmons This works up to a point. It gets harder when you need to scale up (caching, multiple servers etc.)
“Bloated, invasive ad tracking isn’t a law of nature. It’s a choice. We can choose to change.” – @adactio adactio.com/journal/9312
.@RupertMyers @adactio Should you investigate Eric Meyer, you’ll find he’s about as far from an unconscious web user as it’s possible to be.
.@RupertMyers …in which case, you’d be a monster. Like @adactio, I’ll assume you just picked the wrong day to perform sloppy journalism.
modernizr, boilerplate, jQuery, bootstrap, tools you use that the end user takes a tax on for your convenience. – @adactio #aeasf
Those tweets came from a talk by @adactio about the Spirit of the Web lukew.com/ff/entry.asp?1616
@zeldman @adactio In fact, the updated state motto is now, “Virginia Is For Servers.”
The more tools (modernizr, boilerplate, jQuery, bootstrap) you use by default, the more download tax you’re putting on user. @adactio #aeasd
Progressive enhancement isn’t about dealing with users switching off JS, but dealing with things you can’t foresee. @adactio #artifactconf
“They’re abandoning the Titanic by hitching a ride on the Hindenberg.” @adactio on The Brooklyn Museum, Flickr, etc. adactio.com/journal/6739/
“Here’s another idea: output your HTML in HTML.” – @adactio adactio.com/links/6559/
@adactio Thanks for the offer for the JS Conf ticket in Nov. but I’m afraid my sched is too packed. A real shame too. Happy Zombieing!
Haven’t read @adactio’s HTML5 for Web Designers book? Now you have no excuse. ping.fm/9Y603
Designing something? Define design goals (why), which inform design principles (how), which inform design patterns (what). @adactio #aea
@adactio For all of your dummy image needs russellheimlich.com/blog/list-of… Pick your favorite flavor.
@adactio Thanks both are running the same code (available at dummyimage.com)
Just hanging out talking about archiving the entire human history, html elements, and keyboard cat with @adactio. The usual #aea fare.
You paid good money to hear me talk out of my ass – @adactio #aea
UI/UX Developer; Web geek; javascripter; whovian; true neutral.