@Joey_Farruggio @SlackHQ It is pretty awesome music!
@Joey_Farruggio @SlackHQ It is pretty awesome music!
@erikawithakdc @SlackHQ 2021… off to a great start.
hello, @slackhq! Could we include :thankyou: as a reaction in your default list of reactions? Maybe having that just there and available would be a good thing? Maybe people would include more :thankyou: in their day?
Good news: you’re not fired!
@SlackHQ is just having downtime.
@williamsba @SlackHQ O I was wondering what was going on.
@williamsba @SlackHQ Same here these last few days.
As promised, I wrote about building @SlackHQ’s new site, featuring shiny new ✨ CSS Grid ✨
.@SlackHQ’s letter to MS reminds me of this ?: twitter.com/Rdio/status/60801445…
@jcarbaugh @slackhq @istrategylabs “Here, you’ll need this to get in the door. We all have them.”
@jcarbaugh @slackhq @istrategylabs that’s nice. But does it work for clients?
The @SlackHQ Internet takeover continues: make.wordpress.org/chat/
Just trying to leave this place a little bit better than I found it. Work @automattic.