Okay my #WordPress loving friends, get @wordcampbalt on your calendar! October 6th & 7th. Calls for speakers and sponsors are open! Bring your awesomeness to this sweet event! twitter.com/wordcampbalt/status/…
Okay my #WordPress loving friends, get @wordcampbalt on your calendar! October 6th & 7th. Calls for speakers and sponsors are open! Bring your awesomeness to this sweet event! twitter.com/wordcampbalt/status/…
@wordcampbalt Fantastic
@wordcampbalt Any chance you could fix my name on wordpress.tv/2017/10/19/russel-h…
It’s Russell Heimlich
Thank you to the @wordcampbalt team for putting on such an amazing conference this weekend. Loved it
Have you submitted your @wordcampbalt speaker application? What are you waiting for? Today is the last day! #WCBalt 2017.baltimore.wordcamp.org/call…
@WesLinda @wordcampbalt @WordPress Archives links, media, categorizes, and a nifty 404 page tweets.kingkool68.com/my-404-pag…
@wordcampbalt @WordPress I wrote a Twitter Backup plugin and theme github.com/kingkool68/wordpress-…
@wordcampbalt leaving this afternoon
Scaling Up WordPress on Amazon Web Services @wordcampbalt #WCBalt @WordCamp @kingkool68 wordpress.tv/2016/11/22/russell-…
What am I doing on a Saturday morning? Hanging out at @wordcampbalt #wcbalt
Looking forward to the next few weeks. Headed to @wordcampbalt this weekend then @WordCampUS follows two weeks later. #cantwait
Just got the first prints of the JS for WP Bandanas to give away to students at @wordcampbalt!!! Looking dope!! t.co/7JI4famAHB
Our final batch of tix are released for @wordcampbalt! 2.5 weeks away, 2 days, dozens of talks, amazing sponsors: 2016.baltimore.wordcamp.org/tick…
.@wordcampbalt is going to be a great weekend of learning, business and community building. Retweet if you agree! 2016.baltimore.wordcamp.org/tick…
@zgordon @wordcampbalt OMG me 2! See you there!
Today’s your last day for WordCamp Baltimore speaker submissions! Send your #highered & tech talks: 2016.baltimore.wordcamp.org/2016… @wordcampbalt
So many great talks at #wcbalt! If you’re missing 1 by attending another, find videos archived at wordpress.tv @wordcampbalt
@mr_suh @wordcampbalt I’ll drive up. You want a ride?
@mr_suh @wordcampbalt yup
Content strategists, PMs, designers, developers… @wordcampbalt tickets on sale! baltimore.wordcamp.org/2015/tick… #wordpress #ui #mobile #themes
Freight/Transit design, foresight, and product strategy at GE Transportation, acquired by Wabtec; Insta: transfuturists; Speaker and workshop facilitator. (he)