Excited my hometown WordCamp is happening again in 2020!
Speaker applications are open for @wordcampdc š
Excited my hometown WordCamp is happening again in 2020!
Speaker applications are open for @wordcampdc š
Here’s the video of my “Learn Gutenberg” session for @WordPressDC / @WordPressNoVa the other night š
TL;DW – New to WP? Play around. Have a site? Test it. Don’t want it? Know your options. Most in the crowd were new and excited!
Watch it here – buff.ly/2Qd1HJQ t.co/zJvu0Ju2UY
First night back from @WordCampLondon and speaking at the @WordPressDC Meetup group on #Gutenberg
If you’re in the DC area please come out to @agencyCHIEF!
Excited to talk #Gutenberg at my hometown @WordPressDC ! twitter.com/WordPressDC/status/9…
Check out this great collection of FREE JavaScript Ebooks – buff.ly/2fGfn1f
Just got the first prints of the JS for WP Bandanas to give away to students at @wordcampbalt!!! Looking dope!! t.co/7JI4famAHB
Iām going to start up #WordPress Tutoring again – could you please help me share this 2 question survey?!! wp.zacgordon.com/wordpress-tutor…
Would any web teachers out there like help planning curriculum for their secondary or higher ed courses? Happy to help! pls share š
If any teachers out there use @treehouse in their classrooms or with there students, PLEASE share with me!!! teamtreehouse.com/forum/how-are-… pls rt
Educator ~ JavaScript for WordPress javascriptforwp.com ~ #OfficeYoga officeyoga.tv ~ Prev @treehouse @frontendmasters @udacity @blackboard he/him