My tech stack

My tech stack
Lots of replies mentioning Peppa Pig, Cocomelon, and Paw Patrol. I miss those shows. Kids are into Troom Troom, Rebecca Zamola, and Jordan Matter videos. All they do is yell like the Oxiclean guy 😭 twitter.com/brad_frost/status/16…
How does anyone ever make anything in WPBakery, it’s such a hot mess to use
The Lone Developer Problem
via @EvanHahn
this is “real graphic design”
I’m still on the hunt for a new role. I would appreciate passing along any needs or leads for an Engineering Manager or Senior+ Front-End Developer you might have or know about.
Website: andrewwalpole.com
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/andrewwalpole
RTs appreciated ❤️
It’s a new week. Go forth and make weird websites.
Steve Krug’s book “Don’t Make Me Think” is my favorite piece of wisdom from a book I’ve never read
A gift my 6 year old got for her birthday. The kids had never seen one before. She said it’s really good for making stair pictures.
Clever marketing from Etch A Sketch…
May soon be in the market for a front end dev that knows their way around WordPress/Theme development with good understanding of straight up CSS/Sass. PHP/Laravel/Js (vanilla & vue) a bonus. Does such person exist? Realise I’m probably asking the world 👀
It’s impotant to make assumptions as a developer, but we also need to question them. Here are 20 falsehoods the WordPress Developers believe and why it is important to question the assumptions that cause them aaron.jorb.in/making-and-questio…
“We need static site generators because HTML has no way to do things natively like include headers and footers and navigation!”
Congratulations, you invented PHP
“Ampersandwich” by @adventureson
New on the WordPress Developer Blog: Intrinsic design, theming, and rethinking how to design with WordPress
I don’t understand Nike Dunks or why they’re so cool
The WordPress plugin ecosystem quality could be much improved if there were basic restrictions like:
❌ Don’t globally enqueue your assets — load them only when required & allow them to be easily opt-out
❌ Cut it out with using jQuery already
Webperf is important, y’all
Saw a cookie prompt that said “C is for cookie” and the accept button read “Good enough for me”
And that makes these absurd prompts slightly tolerable
I’ll never understand mounting a TV over a fireplace.