Can you imagine Apple with a different looking site in different browsers? I don’t. #aea
@grum_dot_com #aea if its not one thing, its another. Thats the life of cross-platform development.
Hex, rgb, hsl – they’re all the same to me #aea
@dinalew using my nexus one to tether my ipad so i can use the web.
@darianr I work with a designer who uses Illustrator, prints out the comps, and hands them to me to markup. #aea
@printFancy you’re here in DC? We have to meet up.
If you want to change the background colors of rows, do tr.odd td. IE doesn’t like adding bg colors to tr elements #aea
where’s that towel snake? #aea
“In 3-5 years, mobile > desktop in terms of usage.” @beep #aea
@welcomebrand thank you!
#aea looks like a job for jquery masonry
@meyerweb I hope its strict food and not quirks mode food #aea
What would a romantic web design trend look like? #aea
I love how speakers presentations go against each other. Mobile First x Mobile+Desktop. MS Filters to the rescue x MS Filters No-no. #aea
CSS seems really hard to present. Easier to learn by playing around. Mediaquieries and nth-child look like awesome tools #aea
Ok but did they end up selling more software with the hidden easter egg promotion? #aea
Access for all. That’s what web design is all about. #aea
Today was awesome at #aea and i get to do it all again tomorrow. Woopie.
Amen to the underscore hack. I use it all the time. #aea