“if your client-side MVC framework does not support server-side rendering, that is a bug. It cripples performance.” timkadlec.com/2015/02/client-sid…
“if your client-side MVC framework does not support server-side rendering, that is a bug. It cripples performance.” timkadlec.com/2015/02/client-sid…
We are excited to be sponsoring tonight’s @WordPressDC #Meetup at @WeWorkDC Wonder Bread. See you there. ow.ly/E2oSz
We’re hosting @WordPressDC on 6/10 at Farragut North w/speakers @dylanbarlett & @tlovett12, sponsored by @RP3Agency. bit.ly/1ioyK4Y
The greatest second in the history of ESPN -> ow.ly/vZrJD (GIF)
Please RT! Last Week’s jQuery DC event has been rescheduled to this Thursday ow.ly/vak4R cc @AccessibilityDC
Hey DC developers, designers, UXers and other geeks, let’s talk Accessibility tomorrow at iStrategyLabs ow.ly/uUyXc
You can still whisper. The tree hears all. MT @kingkool68: I wish the Wish Tree was open. @hirshhorn
To the journalists chasing alleged bitcoin inventor around today: You are making the entire craft look bad.
Archive treasure: First poll about internet in 1983 found 1.4% of Amers were online; now it’s 87% pewrsr.ch/1mIfhDy #web25
Anyone hitting @washingtonpost paywall trying to get our updates: links from Twitter and Facebook bypass it. Thanks for reading.
Repeat after us: Winter storm ≠ end of global warming ow.ly/sf0Af Listen up, @realDonaldTrump, @drudge, @EWerickson
“If you are Esquire’s web designer, please find another career.
Stop. Stop hurting the internet.” ow.ly/rqaMc
The Great Potential of a Pew Internet and American Life Project API – ow.ly/pdgSD
10 mins in, @brennenbyrne’s WP security presentation is already better than every presentation on this topic I’ve ever heard. #WCBalt
Twitter has submitted paperwork for an IPO ow.ly/oPdMv As of May,18% of online adults are Twitter users. pewrsr.ch/19Ib6jR
Friends, can we please ban ICYMI?
I’m becoming convinced that the more hashtags a person uses, the less money that person makes…
Digg is building a Google Reader alternative blog.digg.com
Easily migrate from Google Reader to Netvibes. bit.ly/Yb7AHJ #googlereader #rss
24 Hours of Live Streaming WordPress Presentations. This is gonna be sick! wordsesh.org/ #WordPress #WordSesh
Co-Founder @SucuriSecurity, Lucky dad to 5 girls, Proud Navy Veteran, Jiu Jitsu player, Angels fan, Chargers loyal, Jeep head & taco lover, CISSP.