Cities: project by @AccessibleJoe to make accessible #WordPress themes. Get involved! (I am!) accessiblejoe.com/cities/
Cities: project by @AccessibleJoe to make accessible #WordPress themes. Get involved! (I am!) accessiblejoe.com/cities/
Accuweather says DC, Philly, New York to get walloped with big snow this coming winter: wapo.st/SneYcH
Towne Center is coming to Laurel and will feature 400,000 square feet of places to live, eat, play and work. wj.la/QxzcPu
Washington Post uses open source, loves open source and contributes to open source. – @yurivictor #wpdc
“Marketing has gotten too metrics heavy. Not everything that counts can be counted; not everything that can be counted counts.” @jbecher
vera wang getting divorced. probably bad for business.
Welcome to the family, @Revision3! ow.ly/aGrwp
“This isn’t print design” I wish more people would realize that! #convergese
Preferred BBQ Sauce Base: Vinegar (32%), Mustard (24%), Tomato (30%), Racism (14%) #BBQStats
This explains internet piracy very well: theoatmeal.com/comics/game_of_th…
GigaOm buys paidContent: journ.us/xVT1Xb “With our shared commitment to journalistic ethics, GigaOM & paidContent are a natural fit”
Number of people getting campaign news from local TV and network news continues steep decline ow.ly/8VxjA via @pewresearch
RT if you #standwithPP
RT @wrongingrights: #SOTU in summary: “Learn to cooperate, America. p.s. I killed Bin Laden.”
.@comcastcares, could you please explain to your DC-area customers why you interrupted the NFL game 3 times with Xfinity commercials?
Nat Weather Service issues winter weather advisory for entire DC region for tonight/Saturday am, wapo.st/wW1Nx2
Date you’ll stop writing “2011” on checks: Feb 4 (22%); “What’s a check, grandpa?” (78%)
Cuepoint JS: an open source plugin for adding cue-points and subtitles to your HTML5 video – cuepoint.org
Enjoyment of cranberry sauce: Watching it slide out of the can: 98%; eating it: 2% #TurkeyStats
For the first time @theatlantic digital ad revenue exceeds print. ow.ly/7Ati1
Digital @pewresearch. Dad, Philly fan, he/him. I like cats …