This dude in front of me is using Internet explorer.
I consider him a rebel.
Props & thanks for keeping me employed
This dude in front of me is using Internet explorer.
I consider him a rebel.
Props & thanks for keeping me employed
Data URIs found to be slow, especially on low-powered devices? Say it ain’t so: mobify.com/blog/data-uris-are-sl… /via @brianleroux
Anyone know any frontend developers looking for a new job in DC? I’m growing my team, and we do some interesting work @usnews
Realization: civil war reenactment is just LARPing
Every website has two dream killers: the organization and the ads.
RT @nytimes: Creator of the GIF: “It is a soft ‘G,’ pronounced ‘jif.’ End of story.” nyti.ms/12Kmlm4
I miss the pre-Heimlich days of Boy Scouts when tracheotomies with our rusty Scout knives were the suggested first line of treatment.
Can everybody just stop posting stuff on the internet so I have time to catch up.
Awesome conversation with the Design Director of the Obama campaign #ConvergeSE
I don’t get Facebook chat heads. Why would I want an icon permanently covering screen elements when I could have a notification instead?
RIP Roger Ebert
“Responsive design is not going to fix your content problem.” – @karenmcgrane #ConfabUK
Sleep is a strange thing if you think about. Our bodies feel the need to be essentially unconscious for almost a third of the time #wasteful
For Lent the Pope is giving up being Pope.
Thrilled to announce the new Twitter archive feature, an offline download of all of your Tweets: blog.twitter.com/2012/12/your-tw…
Saw an ad for Cirque du Soleil in 3D. Don’t people realize that Cirque du Soleil is already in 3D?
If I could summarize effective mobile design in three words it would be “BIG TAP TARGETS”
Oh god, blue beanie day is around the corner. As if Twitter weren’t already full of inflated ego… brace yourselves.
The Maps will continue until morale improves.
Author. Web Standards Godfather. Designer @Automattic. Founder & Publisher @AListApart. Co-Founder/Host @AnEventApart. Publisher @ABookApart. Ava’s dad. He/him.