Not *my* kind of front-end devs to hang out with.
Not *my* kind of front-end devs to hang out with.
Someone links to fedsonslack.com (info about a Slack community specifically for front-end devs). Site doesn’t work without JS.
holy wind visualization, batman earth.nullschool.net/#current/wi…
Meanwhile, on Reddit: dude isn’t sure yet, but suspects that blind people are equivalent to Internet Explorer 6.
If you dreaded going back to work today it’s time you find a new job that excites you! Life is too short to do something you don’t enjoy.
My non-methodical approach to CSS :: css-tricks.com/just-try-and-do-a…
Hey I have a job board now! css-tricks.com/jobs/
Here’s a reason you should post your job on it: I did and I got a TON of good leads.
The @WordPressDC stream is at ustream.tv/broadcaster/19300886
@WordPressDC Broadcasting at ustream.tv/broadcaster/18058876
Should be starting in a few minutes
Remember, love thy developers. Just say yes to analytics today when upgrading to iOS8. We don’t get anything creepy.
This is the part where the internet explodes.
I blarghed a little thing I learned about border radius: jessica-eldredge.com/2014/09/07/…
@noaheverett @twitpic You were the defacto standard before native Twitter images, this will create a lot of link rot
@zeldman @adactio In fact, the updated state motto is now, “Virginia Is For Servers.”
A human should be able to…
A programmer should be able to…
Mixed race couples experience “the bizarre enthusiasm of strangers who marvel, ‘Your babies will be so beautiful.’” nymag.com/thecut/2014/07/ethnic-…
Vanity metrics: a piece of data upon which you cannot act. – @sazzy Examples: hits, total signups, pageviews, likes, retweets #aeadc
short links are dead, long live short links
A bot that tweets “PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW” every time Pew Research issues a new report. buzzfeed.com/katienotopoulos/92-…
Paul Ford’s trip inside Gawker’s CMS is….trippy. bigsaur.us/56
Senior Technology Editor at Ars Technica, where I oversee stories about gadgets, cars, IT, and culture. I also write about manned space flight.