You’ve seen PSD->HTML apps popping up a bit. This is HTML->PSD pagelayers.com/
You’ve seen PSD->HTML apps popping up a bit. This is HTML->PSD pagelayers.com/
I don’t even want to think about the horrible things that would happen to my family if we didn’t keep every plastic Chinese food container.
this is what happens when you don’t properly close your HTML tags, kids. sewingandembroiderywarehouse.com…
I work hard to make my laziness possible.
Got sick of dealing with spreadsheets to map out our budget, so I built this little number over the holidays…
The change in Instagram’s TOS primarily bothers me because I can’t seem to not read about it.
You know what’s better than Instagram? WordPress blog + mobile app Quick Photo. Add in some IFTTT and bam, Twitter+Facebook cross-posting.
Moar WordPress 3.5 developer field guides! This one is about the full edit screen now used for attachments. hyhs.me/7v
Spectacular post by @dhcole on how @mapbox built USA TODAY’s election maps. Engineering-driven design at its best! mapbox.com/blog/election-mapping…
My county votes overwhelmingly in favor of gay marriage. MARYLAND RULES.
There are cat people… and then there are cat people who make fake facebook accounts for their cats…
@RWD @jensimmons The way it’s often used, display:none is like throwing everything into the closet when visitors are coming over.
ohai new jqfundamentals.com bit.ly/Nkon7x
@kingkool68 This. Very this: dribbble.com/elliottcable
(by @elliottcable)
Taking something crazy complex and simplifying the process is rewarding.
Blink-182Pac #bandcombos
False advertisement. People don’t cheer at golf events nor is it exciting.
Literally True Fact: Marissa Mayer personally patched the hole in the Titanic and sailed it to New York. She has a track record, people.