WordPress code audit notes: “oh wtf is this shit holy jesus”
WordPress code audit notes: “oh wtf is this shit holy jesus”
I am using Siri a lot more this year. Quite often I’m reading the news and say, “are you serious?!” And Siri pops right open.
I like these WordPress plugins, so I put them together into a chained WP-CLI command. gist.github.com/MikeNGarrett/fa4…
I love showing the #WordPress admin to people that have never used it before, especially those coming from a proprietary CMS.
Never, EVER look at the source from a free WordPress theme. #DevProblems
A Wild West full of rogues attacking you
Zombie systems making false requests
Botnet, botnet who do you answer to?
Fuck that, says .htaccess
False advertisement. People don’t cheer at golf events nor is it exciting.
Did you see this? @CreateathonDC is offering a sprint to benefit a number of nonprofits. Apply now! createathondc.com
Talk about “form follows function!” Check out this video of the coolest table I’ve ever seen. j.mp/KUfGLV
I just took The White House from @TonyMorinello on #FoursqWar. YES!
If you love Grooveshark you need to help them push the potential DMCA changes: bit.ly/fZ3kdY
♜ at Copper Note in RVA ⌁ Builder of the Internet ⌁ Married to @LindsayBGarrett ϟ Metal Head ϟ play-later.com