You know it’s cold outside when you go outside and it’s cold.
You know it’s cold outside when you go outside and it’s cold.
Why should you apply to that job?
Let me tell you a story my first manager told me after hiring me.
It was my 1st developer interview and I was terrified. She had a few candidates in mind, and she sent us home with a small coding project to do and then she was going to decide
Hey WordPress friends!
I know it’s an awkward time for hiring, with it being the holiday season and all, but I’m currently looking for my next gig and would love any links / intros to people hiring. Thank you!
Best part of I’m Too Sexy is your journey when he goes “I’m a model” and you’re like “Got it” but then he says “You know what I mean?” and you’re like “I thought I did but now I’m not sure” but then he goes “I do my little turn on the catwalk” and you’re like “Okay I did get it.”
Web development
In 2002 🤝 In 2022
Every time I come back to Europe, I’m reminded of the absolute batshit insanity that cookie warnings are. Idiotic, poorly thought out, user experience-killing compliance garbage that can’t possibly do anything to improve privacy in any meaningful way whatsoever. t.co/aFS4ERAb2x
Me, 5 hours before company arrives: Cool, calm, collected
Me, 15 minutes before company arrives: I NEED TO PAINT THE BASEBOARDS
RT if you like Cheez It
Moved the math quiz to quiz.hakim.se. Works best when added to home screen! 🧑🎓 twitter.com/hakimel/status/15924…
this place feels like a field trip bus ride right now
A “Butt Load” does not refer to big bottoms but is actually a recognised unit measure. One butt load is equivalent to 126 gallons. It comes from either the old French ‘botte’ (boot) or the Italian ‘botte’ (barrel). It was used primarily to measure transports of alcohol at sea. t.co/JVYhZwP92x
Big PHP won’t let JavaScript have this one.
the millionaires and billionaires dine on candy bars built for KINGS while they give us bars a FRACTION of the size and tell us they’re FUN t.co/eVhjsKldwa
I urge you to stop what you’re doing and feast your eyes on @simeydotme’s mesmerising “Pokemon Cards”
One of the most mind-blowing CSS effects I’ve ever seen
Unquestionably, speed is always the best advantage you can build into your company. The products that can iterate and evolve the fastest will tend to win over the long run.
@kingkool68 i think my page is going to load the javascript.
i know my page is going to load the html
I isolated these old 360 Teen Girl Squad animations and find them weirdly mesmerizing. Dunno WHAT’S goin on with So and So’s hair! t.co/hzIK5M7p0M
the adult version of a corn maze is just finding your way out of the back part of the dentist’s office after your dental assistant abandons you
Costco is my only religion twitter.com/roto_nino/status/157…
i write html
/thread over
y’all y’all y’all. @coderpad. i also build shopify apps that have a 95%+ profitability