(I hope that I) degrade gracefully.
(I hope that I) degrade gracefully.
The thing that turns me off the most about CSS preprocessors is how intense the users of them are.
Having a hard time respecting this iPhone “upgrade”. It’s key feature is just an app that Apple’s arbitrarily restricted from older iPhones.
Telling your wife she is like your hot maid is apparently not as much a complement as you think.
Five and a half years on, the @refreshdc community continues to inspire me. Thank you all.
My content brings SEO to my blog, and I’m like “it’s better than yours!”
WordPress! It’s better than yours!
It’s free! There is no charge!
What a weekend.
The answer is so obvious: raise the debt ceiling, make huge cuts in govt spending, elim Bush tax cuts 4 the rich & close loopholes.So do it!
Thanks @appcelerator gdzl.la/a7p571
Just learned that jellyfish eat and expel through the same opening. From a sign in the zoo bathroom. I guess it’s appropriate…
So far the 2 sessions I’ve been to at @convergese have been better than anything at SXSW
Just open sourced css lint on stage. Woo! csslint.net phew! Was so nervous! #velocityconf
“You dummies will retweet anything with my name.” — Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
I think there’s a smudge on.̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨.̸̸̨̨your screen
Life is amazing! #aprilfools #fml
You know what?
I was just thinking to myself, “I wonder what LL Cool J thinks about the tsunami disaster?”
Thanks @NBC.
“Open source is the best education you *can’t* buy” — @photomatt at #wpdc
Off to the @WordPressDC Meetup tonight with the founder of @WordPress. Should be a good one.
Don’t answer your phone to say you don’t have time to talk. That’s what you pay your voicemail for.
If you’re working on a mobile picture sharing startup, seems like the coast is clear.
Thought I taught everyone a lesson the first time around. Looks like it’s time for a refresher course.