The word “very” almost never adds to a sentence. Indeed, it usually detracts. It’s a terrible modifier. Use sparingly. Very sparingly.
How to enable the new YouTube design…
What in the world is a “Social Media Marketing Architect and Strategist?”
if your depressed about the world remember that sea otters hold hands so they dont float away while sleeping
If you don’t want to hear boring #keynotes at #decweek come hear about why Drupal Sucks at @fathomcreative #dcphp –…
Over 12% of web powered by 3 platforms: WordPress (by far), then Drupal and Joomla.—@jpamental #FOWDNYC
Would any other #cssoff submitters like their code hosted on Email me and I’ll put it up!
Color Thief: small script for getting the dominant color or color palette from an image.…
Killer CSS3 hover effects, the future of the web awaits us:…
Hahahahhahaha. “@sbnation: NBA lockout outlasts Kris Humphries’ marriage. RT @TMZ: Kim Kardashian to file for DIVORCE”
@smashingmag love this #smtool
AWESOME: “The object-oriented version of spaghetti code is, of course, ‘lasagna code’. Too many layers.” – Roberto Waltman.
Designing something? Define design goals (why), which inform design principles (how), which inform design patterns (what). @adactio #aea
Life is too short to remove USB devices safely.
This is just brilliant:… – laughing my head off. I love Apple 😉
If it accepts input, it will receive spam.
Sprint is planning to spend half as much on iPhones ($20B) as AT&T is on T-Mobile ($39.5). That’s kind of messed up and nutty.
When you say “Pivot”, I hear “Yeah, we’re pretty much making it up as we go.”
Designer, I’m not going to make your designs pixel perfect because, frankly, your pixels are a mess.
Is it possible to enjoy coding too much? Methinks no.