@DerekAshauer I use a GUI database tool like tableplus.com/ then you can continually import a SQL dump over and over
@DerekAshauer I use a GUI database tool like tableplus.com/ then you can continually import a SQL dump over and over
“20 years from now, the only people who will remember that you worked late are your kids”
@travislima @andrewlimaZA Kubrick. I wouldn’t be where I am today without it.
@ajaydsouza I have a Gulp task for it. Copy the package.json, gulp-config.js, and gulp.mjs files. Run npm start to start watching files, compiling JS and Sass.
@dbchhbr Go visit the Pizza Hut in Sicily
@theludedude It wouldn’t be that hard to modify the script to do whatever you wanted if you’re comfortable with PHP. Here is the source code of dummyimage.com
This was actually my first PHP project I ever worked on. If I can do it, anyone can. Good luck!
@babysoftluke Oh well according to Web Page Test it’s the headline…
Looks like this is due to JavaScript that is blocking the rendering of the page so downloading the font and rending the headline happen later than they probably should.
@babysoftluke That dang cookie banner
@remkusdevries One with a designer involved is a real treat. But other sites with tricky problems to solve line dynamic graph generation humanprogress.org/dataset/broadb…
The Call for Speakers for WordCamp US is now open! Join us August 24-26 in National Harbor, MD. Check out our submission guidelines and apply today!
us.wordcamp.org/2023/call-for-sp… #WCUS
In the coming weeks, watch for:
– Latest news and location details
– Call for volunteers t.co/mQVR4A1HP4
Few #WordPress technologies have had as long and impactful of a lifespan as @wp_acf and every year they look to the community to help grow and shape its future.
Fill out the the Annual ACF Survey and let us know how we can make this plugin even better: advancedcustomfields.com/annual-…
@SethRubenstein “The HTML required to display the resource. The HTML should have no padding or margins. Consumers may wish to load the HTML in an off-domain iframe to avoid XSS vulnerabilities. The markup should be valid XHTML 1.0 Basic.” — oembed.com/
Pretty neat natural language to chart tool from @Highcharts
@fugularity Can an archaeologist explain this picture to me? twitter.com/EllieTrashcakes/stat…
@htmleverything One big ultrawide
But will it blend? twitter.com/fasc1nate/status/165…
Hi! I’m a webdev looking for work. I love vanilla HTML, CSS, & JS.
I work hard & love helping others. I was laid off. If any of my fellows apply: hire them first!
I’m not magic & I don’t have huge confidence, but if I can serve you, I will give you my all.
I like you just the way you are.