@danmall @Netlify wget –page-requisites –convert-links –span-hosts -e robots=off –no-host-directories danmall.me
This will scrape your site and download a local backup of it.
@danmall @Netlify wget –page-requisites –convert-links –span-hosts -e robots=off –no-host-directories danmall.me
This will scrape your site and download a local backup of it.
After seeing @BuzzFeed layoffs, I decided to build a website aggregating these persons who are now looking for their next opportunity 👇
Feel free to tweet me other BuzzFeed persons looking for a new job t.co/zIS0Cb0jet
We’re hiring! You can read the job description here if you’re interested in becoming our newest Friend™ 💚 friendly.workable.com/j/6C25A958… t.co/wvVNz8jBQU
@randallb poynter.org/tech-tools/2017/netf…
Me with my wife at Target twitter.com/CalebJHull/status/10…
I’m currently on the lookout for a new FED contract. Ideally remote.
Tech stack: HTML / CSS / SASS / JQUERY / LAMP/MAMP / Design Systems / Pattern Lab
You can send me a direct message 👇
Adding contenteditable=”true” to an inline <style> tag a smart idea for live-coding CSS. Props @Una twitter.com/hj_chen/status/10893…
TIL: <hr> has semantic meaning (now) and is no longer just a decorative line. developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs…
Zadie’s store is OPEN and DECORATED.
#ZadieAlyssa #futureentrepreneur #storeowner #dolls instagram.com/p/BtG54Ldlv4L/
We’re ready to sneak into a movie theater.
#VeraAddison #bw instagram.com/p/BtG5dHhl695/
A group choose-your-own-adventure story twitter.com/vornietom/status/108…
@textfiles @livebeef archive.org/details/ReturnToWor This one?
I still think that are awesome twitter.com/NoPattern/status/108…
I’ve just been let go from BuzzFeed after 7 years. It’s time for a new chapter in life. I’m feeling positive, at least right now. My website is andreaghickey.com.
We’re hiring at Slate! slate.com/jobs twitter.com/aterkel/status/10884…
If you use WordPress and are near Lancaster, PA mark your calendar for @WordCampLanc on Saturday 2019-04-27 #wclanc
Their call for speakers is open. This is a great event, you should apply to speak.
Only if they need to style things twitter.com/ppk/status/108838656…
Hey #design twitter, I’m looking for a couple solid Product Designers to join my team over at @TheAthletic Check out our careers page for more info and to see other open positions. Shares are appreciated!
How are you spending the next year? If you’re a early-to-mid career product designer, let’s talk! I’m hiring for a 1-year, full time gig starting in March at @NPR HQ in DC. Apply at the link below; DMs are open if you’ve got questions! twitter.com/nprdesign/status/108…
Director of Product Design, @NPRdesign at @NPR & Dad to two great kids. Past: Co-chair of @IAsummit, UX Mgr. at @WolframResearch, alumnus of @Illinois_Alma.