I hope the glasses are clean here… (@ Stained Glass Pub w/ 2 others) [pic]: 4sq.com/RdKEV9
I hope the glasses are clean here… (@ Stained Glass Pub w/ 2 others) [pic]: 4sq.com/RdKEV9
Cities: project by @AccessibleJoe to make accessible #WordPress themes. Get involved! (I am!) accessiblejoe.com/cities/
Cool style guide: southtees.nhs.uk/style-guide/ /via @brad_frost
@ChrisVanPatten I rolled my own svn.kingkool68.com/projects/meta…
Accessibility is important. So, let’s scare the speakers away! $375 fee to present. cc @paul_irish csun.edu/cod/conference/2013/ope… via @aaronjorbin
Newsweek Ending Print Edition Cited By USNews & World Report Which Is An AP Article pi.pe/-a9ruu1 #irony
Designing with patterns (@ Fathom Creative w/ @nekolaweb) [pic]: 4sq.com/QqwXjS
Anyone interested in the “post-screen” future of interaction design should care about accessibility for blind users. bit.ly/QHe7nR
@jessabean I think we used platinummaid.com/ to clean our house before we moved in. They did a great job.
It’s beginning. The Internet is coming to your TV gizmodo.com/5952060 and here’s a review of IE for Xbox 360 broken-links.com/2012/10/16/inte…
Wine tasting even though I don’t like wine. (@ Barrel Oak Winery w/ 4 others) [pic]: 4sq.com/Rs3SDV
Its all about the clearance center… (@ Belfort Furniture) 4sq.com/P2Gh0r
@chriscoyier There’s this plugin which lets you add other mime types to the whitelist wordpress.org/extend/plugins/pjw…
Upgraded to Firefox 16 and now my Awesome Bar is a lot less awesome… pi.pe/-rwpo4y
First meetup in a while. Feels good to be back. (@ Fathom Creative) 4sq.com/ThuOFz
@williamsba What about this one? youtube.com/watch?v=JyzrErPIgXQ
@JoshuaFrankel You’d probably enjoy this article then coding.smashingmagazine.com/2012…
Our finished hardwood floors. instagr.am/p/QmplC-xzdW/