@ChrisVanPatten Whoa what cool Wordle clone is that?
@ChrisVanPatten Whoa what cool Wordle clone is that?
@ChrisVanPatten What’s your favorite kind?
@ChrisVanPatten BuT tHe EcOnOmY!1!
@ChrisVanPatten Is the final question of the interview process to make a free-throw?
@ChrisVanPatten Merge, deploy, repeat. Oh! That reminds me. I need to go deploy something right quick…
@dbchhbr @ChrisVanPatten @emmafletcher Or get your house to blog about it when you’re done
@plugish @phpstorm @ChrisVanPatten Good ol heredocs php.net/manual/en/language.types…
@ChrisVanPatten Sounds like fun
@aaronbrazell @ChrisVanPatten github.com/ivopetkov/html5-dom-d… has been my go to for parsing HTML in PHP.
@ChrisVanPatten @zefrank 2006 was good times. Just Ask a Ninja about it.
@ChrisVanPatten I initially scheduled that tweet for 5 days from now and was confused on why it didn’t work. Interface is kinda clunky for scheduled tweets. I wish I could use relative time input like “5 minutes from now” or “tomorrow at 10am”
@ChrisVanPatten People don’t care what platform you use to host your content if they can access it
@brad_frost I feel like @ChrisVanPatten has thoughts
@ChrisVanPatten Cats are immutable. Got it.
@ChrisVanPatten You mean guard clauses? Like this? github.com/WordPress/WordPress/b…
@ChrisVanPatten Go henceforth and report back you pioneer you
@ChrisVanPatten Do other frameworks use templating engines that do the escaping for you as late as possible? I think it just makes sense to escape data as late as possible. My twig library makes the WP escaping functions available as filters. Escaping explicitly defines what is expected.
@ChrisVanPatten Nothing a bunch of if statements can’t fix.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.