@dudleystorey Did you see slides for Video Captioning on the Web? slideshare.net/kingkool68/video-…
@dudleystorey Did you see slides for Video Captioning on the Web? slideshare.net/kingkool68/video-…
My roundup of DC Accessibility Camp 2011 in now up: bit.ly/v8OYLu #a11ydc #a11y
Uh, @envatowebdev, what the heck are you doing suggesting that people hack WordPress core? j.mp/pP2UPw (via @robertdall)
40% of tablet news consumers use mainly the browser. Just 22% use apps. bit.ly/t5llzg New study from @pewresearch
Day 2 (@ An Event Apart DC w/ @martymadrid) [pic]: 4sq.com/vUGUka
I’m at Ted’s Montana Grill (2451 Eisenhower Ave, Alexandria) w/ 7 others 4sq.com/uEx41x
Pre #aea after party party. (@ Galae Thai) 4sq.com/vlB6iI
And after Day 1 of #aea DC, this is an accurate depiction of my brain right now ping.fm/286oV
Trigger tweets when you change a keynote slide. It’s like magic! ping.fm/5Kp5f
Lots of stats about the success of NPR’s API in this presentation at the Wolfram Data Summit: slideshare.net/danieljacobson/np… #aea
Ah, it is Washington DC #aea with lots of so -called #UX experts, trying out my MOBILE interrface bit.ly/o4gBvR They like rainbows?
Haven’t read @adactio’s HTML5 for Web Designers book? Now you have no excuse. ping.fm/9Y603
For those followng along at home ping.fm/FD8T7 #aea
wiki.darkpatterns.org – What not to do when designing for the web.
@stevenpainter Oh there are plenty of alternatives russellheimlich.com/blog/list-of…
I’m at Westin Alexandria (400 Courthouse Square, Alexandria) 4sq.com/oBCXsL
Kristina and I After The Kidney Walk Last Weekend pi.pe/-k09ert
An Event Apart: Registered! pi.pe/-iyxby2
An Event Apart Registration (@ Westin Alexandria) 4sq.com/ob8Vqf
[Blog] Accessibility Camp DC Review – bit.ly/n4EVXO My main takeaways from today’s event, thank you! #a11ydc #accessibility #dc