My oil painting of the Taco Bell Mexican Pizza

My oil painting of the Taco Bell Mexican Pizza
mind blown by this every time I think about it 🤯
Why is this even possible?
Call me crazy, but I love this 90s aesthetic. It’s mostly nostalgic for me.
If you’re working with JavaScript’s Intersection Observer API @pomber’s Intersection Observer Debugger library is so useful. Easily able to visualize the root (purple) that triggers if elements are intersecting or not.
@wpmark Not as impressive as yours but my Twitter archive site tweets.kingkool68.com/ has 42,000 “tweets”
Ready to work as a web designer in 2002
designer vs portfolio
Well that’s discouraging…
Off by a few weeks for the big game there…
Tell me you’re a marketer without telling me you’re a marketer.
co-founder and chief em dash czar @ Beam Content. partner and freelancer champion at Peak Freelance.