Made some slime for #slimenight
In step.
Top of the slide
Saturday night popcorn + Storybots
JavaScript regexp objects being stateful has bitten me so many times
@Rmmmsy @aniacopian @amazon Gives you enough time to get ready
@renan Clicking that shuffle icon next to the play icon seemed to do that
Someone told me that Pitbull is Jeff Bezos’s alt and I can’t unsee it.
How do people find me? Meat toaster.
I bet it was that evil master Shredder…
@MrAhmadAwais @oppenheimer_HH OMG anxiety
Tip: highlight images missing alt text with img:not([alt])
King Kool
So you want to be one of Trump’s lawyers?
Do you have a suit? Yes.
Fancy looking glasses? Sure thing.
Are you white? You betcha!
You’re hired!
@Rmmmsy @round @byte_app No problem with kingkool68
So happy to announce my advanced Skillshare course about front-end performance! Watch it here: