@chriscoyier Closest one I am aware of is github.com/wittenbrock/toms-mysp…
@chriscoyier Closest one I am aware of is github.com/wittenbrock/toms-mysp…
Tip: Set width & height on your <img> elements. This now allows modern browsers to infer their intrinsic size pre-download, reducing layout shifts. t.co/yhsIftiJzR
Tip: In @ChromeDevTools, hold shift while hovering over a request and it will highlight the initiator in green and dependencies in red. t.co/Xd9l2BCoC9
A fun generator for CSS-only section separators! bit.ly/css-sections
“I was just about to click that! Why did it move?” ๐ญ
The new Cumulative Layout Shift metrics measures unexpected shifts in layout: web.dev/cls. Shifts are commonly caused by…
๐ Images without dimensions
๐ Ads/iframes with dynamic dimensions
๐ Web Font swaps t.co/iWP3vaPBm9
Tip: highlight images missing alt text with img:not([alt])
Clean Code concepts for JavaScript: bit.ly/clean-code-js ~ a huge collection of patterns for writing readable, reusable, and refactorable code. By @ryconoclast t.co/D6MkorDJgj
“Write code that’s easy to delete, not easy to extend.”
Things to look for in a code review: Code is…
– Well designed
– Readable by others
– Doing what the author intended
– No more complex than needed
– Not degrading system code health
– Commented with the why vs. what
– Appropriately tested
– Sufficiently documented
“The Cost Of JavaScript In 2019” v8.dev/blog/cost-of-javascript-2… The dominant costs of processing scripts are now download and CPU execution time. t.co/rogTgIKgsj
Shipped! @GoogleFonts now let’s you control web font loading using `font-display`. Say hello to the `display` parameter ๐
What’s font-display? font-display.glitch.me/ t.co/sn27ySza1B
Understand JavaScript’s async/await in 7 seconds by @manekinekko: async-await.xyz/
Tip: <link rel=preconnect> is great for eliminating costly round-trips to important domains from the critical path: bit.ly/preconnect. Improved our Time To Interactive on Chrome.com by almost ~1s. t.co/R9PO7kPiCu
Engineering Manager working on @GoogleChrome โข Husband & Dad โข Make the web fast โกโข Lighthouse, PageSpeed Insights, DevTools, CrUX โข Founder TeeJungle