Workin’ (at @PewResearch Center w/ @nekolaweb) [pic]: 4sq.com/17bWWHT
Workin’ (at @PewResearch Center w/ @nekolaweb) [pic]: 4sq.com/17bWWHT
@kingkool68 – Viewing your quantification of Trick or Treaters is the highlight of my Halloween every year now 🙂
@ayomattayo @kathkat15 We’ve had 4 so far.
@Rarst @freshyill @johnpbloch Oh boo.. experience using Composer to manage dependencies for a WP site.
@freshyill No but @johnpbloch and/or @Rarst do…
@SusannahFox @pewresearch @pewinternet ER MY GORD!
So @ednapiranha made this kind of amazing gif-y real-time chat room thing: chat.meatspac.es/ (tons of WebRTC goodness)
With 2 lines of code, the @internetarchive will intercept 404s on your site and send visitors to a cached copy. Wow! blog.archive.org/2013/10/24/web-…
“Let’s say fewer things but be more correct about them.” – Nate Silver of @fivethirtyeight #ONA13 #ONA13Silver
Good point via @mcunningham8: “Not all content is sociable or actionable.” #ona13 #analytics4news
@MikeNGarrett @grazeusa Sure I’ll give it a try.
“A Photoshop document is a clue, not a contract” – @csswizardry on normalizing design for better CSS speakerdeck.com/csswizardry/norm…
TechCrunch no longer looks like an eyesore! techcrunch.com/2013/10/15/techcr… Congrats @globalmoxie @danielmall @brad_frost @johnpbloch @10up
I love that @ConvergeRVA’s speaker lineup is almost entirely made up of people I’ve never heard speak before.
@mr_suh @nekolaweb Maybe if my friends are still furloughed.
@mr_suh @nekolaweb They were homemade.
Actually I’ll live tweet #convergerva on my other account @RussellHeimlich and spare the rest of you.
Can we take a moment to appreciate what T-Mobile is doing? pdog.ws/1fnh9Nh by @PhoneDog_Anna
Exactly, exactly right on infographics. xkcd.com/1273/ by @xkcdrss
Founder & CEO, Creative Good: creativegood.com. Since 1997. Customers Included, Gel conference, Good Todo, Bit Literacy, Uncle Mark.