@mims @Whitney_McN Then check out producthunt.com/posts/koo-2
Also I kind of do this with Marco Polo which is like email but with video. It’s fun going back and forth with my friends.
@mims @Whitney_McN Then check out producthunt.com/posts/koo-2
Also I kind of do this with Marco Polo which is like email but with video. It’s fun going back and forth with my friends.
@Stammy @nickgraynews @skidder Enjoy the 4-5 good days of spring on the east coast before the sudden jump to midsummer.
@BloklandJesse @ParissAthena Geocities and Myspace are where so many budding web designers got their start.
@brucel I’ve used the same Git graphical user interface client ever since I’ve started working with Git. I just can’t seem to shake @smartgithg
I will soon be transitioning to a new role at @github, which means my current role is open. This is one of the best teams I’ve ever worked with, and I want to make sure they get someone great.
My DMs are open if you’ve got questions!
Random Google Search lead me to this so I started listening. Figured @MikeNGarrett would have insight.
@danmall Whether the industry likes it or not, code is law. Code is the primary means of delivering an experience. That means a designer supports that primary actor.
But, that doesn’t mean the designer can’t also be the director. We see directors act in their own movies all the time 😉
Happy first day at work @naudebynature instagram.com/p/Bvbk5iZjuuj/
Hello, @DunzoIt is hiring for product designers and user researchers. Please RT or ping me at [email protected] in you are interested! 🙂
Had a great time hanging out with the @WordPressDC crowd last week! @BigCommerce
@dylanbeattie @brianboyer could talk your ear off about this
#WordPress & @photomatt, we as a community REALLY need to get dashboard notices and alerts under control, this is out of hand. Clients dashboard looks awful and I’ve seen others that look even worse.
@Never5Plugins makes wordpress.org/plugins/wp-notific… but even then it’s not perfect. t.co/Q81DXPW2ZQ
@Souzarini_ @ParissAthena Glad to help but don’t use that anymore it’s antiquated. Most people use rems and helper functions in Sass to do the math. See github.com/kingkool68/wordpress-…
@freshyill @damiangilz @WordPress I’ve never had a problem telling the world my site is a WordPress site.
@freshyill @damiangilz @WordPress WordPress includes this by default <meta name=”generator” content=”WordPress 5.1.1″ />
Not sure how you can count headless WordPress sites but if they are public and have a simple default theme then the should be counted too I guesss
@damiangilz @freshyill @WordPress Like the Bebo of CMSes
So here’s something new…
@taupecatstudios is looking for a WordPress developer (contract). Deets here: taupecatstudios.com/open-positio… #WordPress #hiring
Been a bit busy at @WhereByUs, and I’m psyched to tell y’all that @theinclinepgh is now on our squad! Many thanks to our whole team, @spiritedmediaco and The Incline crew for all the hard work, and Pittsburgh, we love you already. link.medium.com/hzNTh5PsbV
Person of interests. I do local media and tech stuff with @wherebyus.