Not only have we not shut down, @spiritedmediaco has taken what we learned from building and selling former sites @billy_penn, @Denverite and @theinclinepgh to build a nice consulting business.
Not only have we not shut down, @spiritedmediaco has taken what we learned from building and selling former sites @billy_penn, @Denverite and @theinclinepgh to build a nice consulting business.
@nacin @noeltock They’ve solved many enterprisey problems so bundling them all together as one offering makes a lot sense. I know I’ve used several of them when working on @spiritedmediaco
Been a bit busy at @WhereByUs, and I’m psyched to tell y’all that @theinclinepgh is now on our squad! Many thanks to our whole team, @spiritedmediaco and The Incline crew for all the hard work, and Pittsburgh, we love you already. link.medium.com/hzNTh5PsbV
NEWS: Colorado Public Radio to acquire @Denverite from Spirited @spiritedmediaco — medium.com/billy-penn/colorado-p…
@billy_penn Well after 2 years, 10 months, and 3 days it is worth noting that today is my last day at @spiritedmediaco (parent company of @billy_penn, @theinclinepgh, and @Denverite ). I had a blast and learned a ton about scaling WordPress on AWS. Now on to the next challenge…
WordPress.com is teaming up with @googlenewsinit @lenfestinst @civil @knightfdn @spiritedmediaco @fundjournalism on a new platform for digital news startups: en.blog.wordpress.com/2019/01/14…
It’s been a hell of a year at @spiritedmediaco, as we’ve launched membership, taken on consulting and platform work and intensified our focus on events. The result is a 70 percent decrease in monthly burn, and a far clearer view of the right path forward. medium.com/billy-penn/spirited-m…
Coming up next on our #wcpub main track at 2:15PM CT is Why we ditched AMP, and other UX choices we made for launching membership with @brianboyer of @spiritedmediaco 2018-chicago.publishers.wordcamp…
Well, that’s Brian. He is also kind and tolerant and inclusive. So I’m gonna stop hogging him and YOU can experience this, by taking my job. Come work with @brianboyer leading product design for @spiritedmediaco. (contact him directly, I turn into a pumpkin tomorrow 5pm).
Those of us at @spiritedmediaco know an awful lot about local digital journalism, and, as part of our desire to diversify revenue, we’re now helping other local media organizations too. medium.com/billy-penn/were-shari…
Windmill high-fives to the @spiritedmediaco product team @kingkool68 @montchr @livlab, @daveburdick and the @denverite crew, and @fundjournalism, our partners in this endeavor!
So I’m *super* geeked to be joining the brilliant team at @spiritedmediaco (home of @dnvrite @theinclinepgh & @billy_penn). Woo!
Apparently announcing that your site is HTTPS is a thing so you should all know the @spiritedmediaco sites are HTTPS.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.