We’re hiring a designer to work with us in @PostOpinions; we’re ramping up a lot of exciting stuff for 2020, and designer will be a huge part of this, so I hope you’ll apply! Questions? Email me: [email protected] washpostpr.tumblr.com/post/18209…
We’re hiring a designer to work with us in @PostOpinions; we’re ramping up a lot of exciting stuff for 2020, and designer will be a huge part of this, so I hope you’ll apply! Questions? Email me: [email protected] washpostpr.tumblr.com/post/18209…
Discovered dummyimage.com by @kingkool68. Generate arbitrary images for testing with a simple URL. Very handy.
.@yetunde_sola is a recent Computer Science graduate with 3+ years of experience in #webdevelopment. She is looking for a company where she can make a difference and can grow professionally. She has no location preference. #diversifytech linkedin.com/in/yetundeadebayo/
I Didn’t Want to Be a Manager Anymore — and the World Didn’t End medium.com/gusto-engineering/i-d… via @instapaper
.@chrismessina created some of the ideas that shape the internet today, including the idea for the hashtag, popularizing the coworking movement, and co-founding BarCamp meetups. The common denominator of his projects? He gave them all away for free.
bit.ly/2QvhHFM t.co/B2FyGjioyh
It’s 2019. Is @FluidApp still the only way to run a website as an app in macOS?
@StuRobson @andybelldesign Check out discoverdev.io/
📣 I’m hiring a brand new design team to work with me on new mobile experiences @Microsoft. If you know any underrepresented and underestimated designers that are looking for a truly unique opportunity, please ping me, DMs are open. This is going to be fun! 🚀
@jeremyfelt @JJJ I am left handed and hold the phone with my right hand. Because phones are optimized for righties. OnePlus 3T has the power button on the right side. All of my icons are optimized for the right side.
Slides from my talks at @WordPressDC tonight on SVGs (kingkool68.com/wp-svg/#/) and Dynamic Image Resizing in WordPress (kingkool68.com/making-images-sma…)
Thanks @agencyCHIEF
Come out to CHIEF *tonight* as we welcome @WordPressDC presenter @kingkool68 set to give talks on scalable vector graphics + on-demand image resizing in #WordPress. RSVP ➡️bit.ly/2DcK7B6 #WordPressDC #DCtech #SVGs
In the DC area tonight? Come by @agencyCHIEF, eat some pizza, and here me talk about dynamic image resizing and SVGs for @WordPressDC
@Rmmmsy @round You could watch youtube.com/watch?v=4Q7FTjhvZ7Y or e-Dreams amzn.to/2FAAk9x
WordPress.com is teaming up with @googlenewsinit @lenfestinst @civil @knightfdn @spiritedmediaco @fundjournalism on a new platform for digital news startups: en.blog.wordpress.com/2019/01/14…
@Rmmmsy @andybelldesign @davatron5000 Any use of ternaries shall result in 30 days in jail for the author…
@andybelldesign I like @davatron5000’s idea of $10K per if statement.
@apixelpusher @round You’re in good company with @jmspool
UXCampDC 2010
@kclarke_ @mattcampux Must be Chrome optimized…
we have a truly ABSURD number of job openings @VoxProduct right now. engineering! design! qa! there’s something for everyone! pls feel free to ask me any q’s <3 t.co/0WS3E1oFfQ
Engineer @voxmediainc, but all i can think about right now is Zayn’s new album. somebody please help me