@aenean_ Just because the guy behind you has a coughing bout?
@jessabean @LivingSocial The Threadless deal, when does that expire? December 31, 2011?
What in the world is a “Social Media Marketing Architect and Strategist?”
@marcelmoreau Do you know when it expires? I’m thinking Dec. 31, 2011
What’s the first thing you see when you wake up?
@skeevis what did you buy?
The main bouncer from Jerry Springer now has his own talk show? Day time TV is sooo weird.
@BlankSky you do know its Thanksgiving right? You know, sit around and get fat day.
@jfc3 whoa where you flying too? Safe travels.
Why do people like the smell of rain? I think it just smells like dead worms.
@booboozela Why does it take so long to fill a prescription?
@booboozela What does a Pharmacist do? Besides wear a lab coat while bagging my stuff from CVS?
@jfc3 What’s on Saturday?
Censoring the Internet sucks. Orange, here in the UK thinks every site I try to visit is restricted to verified 18+. Instagram? Linkedin?
@blindtravel How was your experience with the the result page? Sorry for all the tables. It used to be a lot worse.
You know what today needs? MORE E-MAIL!
@riichdiinero Did you click “Feeling lucky?”
@brownpau Wow. I’m an era? #lifeNowComplete
Would any other #cssoff submitters like their code hosted on knucklelodeon.com? Email me and I’ll put it up!