“Solving” a software problem by saying which tools or framework you’ll use is like solving a math problem by saying which calculator you’ll use. 🧮
“Solving” a software problem by saying which tools or framework you’ll use is like solving a math problem by saying which calculator you’ll use. 🧮
#WordPress & @photomatt, we as a community REALLY need to get dashboard notices and alerts under control, this is out of hand. Clients dashboard looks awful and I’ve seen others that look even worse.
@Never5Plugins makes wordpress.org/plugins/wp-notific… but even then it’s not perfect. t.co/Q81DXPW2ZQ
Hey friends, we need a few more volunteers to make the show work next month: 2019.lancasterpa.wordcamp.org/20…
Just spent 10-15 talking to people outside the dev team and reduced half a days work to a one line change. Code is like war, always try to negotiate first.
We’re looking for a Developer with solid back-end experience. Know anyone?
When I present my CSS Grid work in IE twitter.com/superhi_/status/1108…
I’ve started turning programming puns into movie posters
And could you do me a HUGE favour?
Could you take your Android device, check if it has a browser called ‘Browser’ or ‘Internet’, take it to quirksmode.org/cgi-bin/test.pl and hit Send Info?
And maybe retweet?
(Samsung Internet not necessary; I already have it.)
Just got laid off from my job. Last day is April 3rd.
If anyone knows of any remote positions for SRE or python programming (non-senior) let me know
Or even if you know of any in Eugene/Salem/Portland OR.
I built a self-healing web service by adding a cron job that restarts it every 10 minutes.
We need a very senior level product designer on our productivity team.
🌈LGBTQIA+ /POC /Ladies I’m looking for you🌈
For WordPress 5.0, sites updated their PHP version from PHP <= 5.6 to PHP 7+ at the rate of 1 basis point per day.
That is, the percentage of WordPress 5.0 sites using PHP <= 5.6 dropped by 0.01 every day, prior to the release of WordPress 5.1.
It’s Official, PHP minimum version bump is happening for WordPress:
So here’s something new…
@taupecatstudios is looking for a WordPress developer (contract). Deets here: taupecatstudios.com/open-positio… #WordPress #hiring
Oh, this is brilliant! You can create your own Wayback Machine with this:
ArchiveBox – The open source self-hosted web archive.
Takes a list of website URLs you want to archive, and creates a local, static, browsable HTML clone of the content.
Front ends looking for work in Austin or remote: siegemedia.com/front-end-develop…
Contact my sister if interested: [email protected]
All YouTube guys are called PewDiePie to me and all new bands are called Imagine Dragons. That’s how it goes. I’m 34. I’m not learning new names.
The current iPad lineup seems so unecessary when it could so easily be just “iPad” and “iPad Pro” (example below). t.co/0XTsSArhCQ
is anyone looking to hire a full-stack web developer with 6+ years experience in C#
Not much to say.