“opml” by @luca grabs RSS feeds from the blogs of all the folks you follow on Twitter, so it’s easy to add them to your RSS reader bit.ly/2WlEus5 📚 t.co/flSljmLP6u
“opml” by @luca grabs RSS feeds from the blogs of all the folks you follow on Twitter, so it’s easy to add them to your RSS reader bit.ly/2WlEus5 📚 t.co/flSljmLP6u
Keen to get some more junior roles (dev, product, or design) up and running on Honest Work so drop me a DM if you’re interested in posting your junior/entry level role for free.
I’m looking for full-time employment. I can do writing, editing, PR, webdev, design/layout, music, curating, soc media. If anyone knows of a company, publication, museum, or institution that might want to hire me, I would be grateful for an introduction benjedwards.com t.co/Wih37ky1xF
Design School Freshman > Design School Graduate > Junior Designer > Senior Designer > Creative Director > Freelance Designer t.co/dopxVrOi4M
We have had solid testing tools for web apps for more than a decade, which enable programmers to keep legacy code maintained without the fear of breaking behavior.
And that’s why, about every two years, all code gets thrown away and rewritten in whatever framework is popular.
EasyEngine v4.0.10 released with Custom SSL certificate, Custom webroot, SSL renewal, and Swap.
Tip: <link rel=preconnect> is great for eliminating costly round-trips to important domains from the critical path: bit.ly/preconnect. Improved our Time To Interactive on Chrome.com by almost ~1s. t.co/R9PO7kPiCu
“If we make it so that you have to understand programming to even start, then we take something open and enabling, and place it back in the hands of those who are already privileged. I have plenty of fight left in me to stand up against that.”
Ditto 💪
In light of the recent layoffs at BuzzFeed, HuffPost and Gannett, we’ve created an open thread on CJR’s Galley discussion forum where anyone who has lost a job can post their details, links to portfolios etc. — please share galley.cjr.org/public/conversati…
“Bug 194028 – Add limits to the amount of JavaScript that can be loaded by a website” bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=…
I’m on the hunt for a full stack developer job. Contract or remote hire. #Python, #Django Let me know of good opportunities for growth with a great team.
This latest Facebook garbage has made me *real* mad, so I made a thing: npm-uninstall-facebook.com
You can contribute by adding your recommendations here: github.com/andybelldesign/npm-un…
It’d be awesome if you could RT this / share with your friends ♥️
Describing it as “spying” when permissions have been given, and describing it as “secret” when it recruits through advertising… Are those adjectives are justified by the facts?
But TechCrunch know you’re more likely to click on an article if it confirms your biases about FB.
“As a Designer, I Refuse to Call People ‘Users'” - @LeftonBomb link.medium.com/YfybQClRRT
One of the web easiest ways to make something accessible is to make it simple. As a bonus it tends then to be more usable for all, AND simpler to maintain.
Doesn’t look as good on a CV though.
i wrote a piece on the career choices managers often don’t realize they’re making, especially around technical leadership vs organizational leadership. charity.wtf/2019/01/04/engineeri…
✨get what the fuck you want out of your career in 2019✨
.@marketoonist on ‘the state of user experience design’ 😂
Hey folks, I’m doing some basic #WordPress gigs again! If you know anyone looking for basic site setup, custom theme development, e-Commerce integration, etc… I’m your woman! 👩🏽💻 Just shoot me a DM for portfolio and details.
After seeing @BuzzFeed layoffs, I decided to build a website aggregating these persons who are now looking for their next opportunity 👇
Feel free to tweet me other BuzzFeed persons looking for a new job t.co/zIS0Cb0jet
coming soon – Fileplace: feed it your old files to keep the fire alive
Maker of @panoramical, #doodlestudio95 and Raymarching Toolkit. ex @TiltBrush. @sfpc alum. Queering up the world w @kevinwatters et al. Looking for work!