I love this story, about a guy who has saved several gigabytes of horrendous banner ads from the early 2000s: motherboard.vice.com/en_us/artic…
I love this story, about a guy who has saved several gigabytes of horrendous banner ads from the early 2000s: motherboard.vice.com/en_us/artic…
I’m sometimes asked if working in Film/TV detracts from my enjoyment of watching shows, b/c I’m aware of what’s going on behind the lens. I tell them that I often appreciate something more knowing the craft that went into it. E.g.: This is some real movie magic shit right here: t.co/7YqYOb9zmV
Wie worde from @estellevw
Thursday snack-time thought: Chunky peanut butter should clearly be cheaper than smooth since they did less work to make it.
When evaluating code remember you are viewing someone’s compromises not their plans. Assume good intent.
Introducing the Button element – HankChizlJaw hankchizljaw.io/wrote/introducin…
One of the most boring topics on earth is design systems.
World’s Oldest Torrent Still Alive After 15 Years dlvr.it/QlnsBf
I’m sorry NO. One of the worst parts of my time at Apple was the toxic culture this line of thinking bred. Swearing at and insulting people’s work is not okay and is never helpful. Criticism for criticism’s sake is a power move. twitter.com/kocienda/status/1045…
Rebranding web rings as “the blogchain”. Looking for investors.
Picture it: A tech conference where they give out 7,000 winter jackets to the homeless instead of 7,000 backpacks to people that already have 7,000 conference backpacks.
How do you get design teams to adhere to a style guide? How do you know when to break it? I wrote about a simple solution we created at BuzzFeed:
Finally, a Tumblr devoted to control panels.
We need to add PR, DC, and Guam as states.
53 is a prime number
then we can truly be one nation, indivisible
It’s been a hell of a year at @spiritedmediaco, as we’ve launched membership, taken on consulting and platform work and intensified our focus on events. The result is a 70 percent decrease in monthly burn, and a far clearer view of the right path forward. medium.com/billy-penn/spirited-m…
The State of Fieldset Interoperability – Bocoup bocoup.com/blog/the-state-of-fie…
Whatever Happened to the Semantic Web? bit.ly/2xD1SWt
Water is a drink who’s flavor is its temperature.
📢 I just published a new article where I do a deep dive into improving website performance with a technique I’m calling Idle Until Urgent. âš¡
If you’re looking for some advanced performance techniques that you can use today, this article is for you!
Excuse me, I have been a government software contractor and I assure you this is not the largest man-made waterfall twitter.com/evankirstel/status/1…
Lead Data Scientist, activist, survivor. Once was in Charlottesville, now in Berlin. Opinions belong only to me, especially the bad ones. she/they