I love the web
I love the web
120Hz is almost totally unnoticeable on a screen compared to 60. This is for something else.
This is fun! c0ffee.surge.sh/
If a junior developer accidentally destroys production on their first day, it’s *your company’s* fault, not theirs. t.co/GCYWwBdRIy
The web would be a better place if more developers considered accessibility as an interesting challenge rather than a painful burden.
We stand on the shoulders of giants who bothered to login to StackOverflow and explain their problem in words easily indexed by Google.
“The best way to get the right answer on the internet is not to ask a question; it’s to post the wrong answer.” – Cunningham’s Law
Perfection never ships. It gets stuck in an endless loop of “I’ll just finesse this one last thing and then I’ll be happy with it.”
Ceramic and titanium but no headphone jack: zpr.io/PkpfG
I’ve put together 3 brand new talk ideas for @wordcampdc . I haven’t been this excited for a wordamp in YEARS!
Thanks @billy_penn for finding out the back story on this Schuylkill river trail sinkhole and sign
Every Color Of Cardigan Mister Rogers Wore From 1979–2001 buff.ly/2rifB3I
WordPress 4.7.5 Security and Maintenance Release wordpress.org/news/2017/05/wordp…
My raccoon swarm behavior works. I basically programmed how to act like an asshole.
MUSEUM PEEPS! Apply to Speak at WordCamp DC! Looking for everything museums+WP!
Due May 26th bit.ly/2qy3XBF
#openglam #musetech
This is the greatest real estate photo gallery ever. Click through the gallery. Be patient.
h/t @AJFaucher
Have you been wondering how we got those live House vote tallies? @rachel_shorey has your answer on @timesinsider. nytimes.com/2017/05/08/insider/h…
Excited to introduce a new “mark” for @pewresearch today — representing a light source, it symbolizes our commitment to illuminating facts t.co/RLH6XpBCwQ
President of Pew Research Center