tldr: there’s more to Design than being a subset of Product.
tldr: there’s more to Design than being a subset of Product.
Perfection never ships. It gets stuck in an endless loop of “I’ll just finesse this one last thing and then I’ll be happy with it.”
Full-screen-mode this for a rainy pause. maroslaw.github.io/rainyday.js/d…
Reverse style guide-ify your website: stylifyme.com/ (thx @jasonsantamaria)
In my 14+ years of experience, few things have yielded sustainable web traffic greater than consistency.
This is pretty slick: wireframe.cc/ Draw a box, select content type, repeat.
Featured @authenticjobs: Not a title you see everyday, but one we can all appreciate — Content Engineer at @usnews in DC ajo.bz/j0/9321
I wîsh the Énġlišh långuãge hađ mørē iñteŕêßțing çharäčtèrș. d.pr/zH8w
Design UX leadership, coaching, speaking. Formerly Meta, Pendo, Authentic Jobs. Letterpress type artist. Teller of fine dad jokes.