Reminder that this is an actual product that actual people thought was a good idea to make.

Reminder that this is an actual product that actual people thought was a good idea to make.
AWESOME TOOL OF THE DAY : Dynamic Dummy Image Generator : bit.ly/1LXvaC8 via @kingkool68
Nice to see a pretty good story in @HuffingtonPost shooting down #WordPress myths huffingtonpost.com/kristen-thoma… kudos @KTselli
.@VerizonNews’s new checkmark logo CHECKS all the boxes. Send me more using #NewVerizonLogo cnet.co/1KslzDr
Does this new WordPress Shortcode roadmap scare anyone else but me? *shivers* make.wordpress.org/core/2015/09/… I plan on adding some comments
thanks ppl on facebook
for saying google ripped off gymboree
A group of mistakes is called a life.
jQuery Foundation and Dojo Foundation to Merge buff.ly/1igP4vm
An in-depth look at the new Google brand identity. g.co/design/google-id
DMV WordPress users! #phpworld DC wants to know what you’d like to see at future conferences: surveymonkey.com/r/X9J75DN @WordPressDC @BaltoWP
WATCH: Octopuses appear to take up arms as submarine warfare escalates. n.pr/1JGiGwk @nprwatc
Progressive enhancement is crafting experiences that enable your users to access content without tech restrictions @AaronGustafson #UX #RWD
The Kanye West Wing
make me laugh every single time vine.co/v/eIXejbQ2utM
Go to deathtobullshit.com, turn the bull shit on in the top right corner, and see the magic happen! Enjoy folks!
Wondering if a useful metric for determining a Front End Developer’s skill level would be by *how little* code they need to achieve a goal
Hey y’all, @kingkool68 is looking for feedback on his “plugin tools” plugin. Looks pretty useful at first glance! wpchat.com/t/feedback-wanted-on-…
We don’t disable JS just to test how a site works with JS disabled.
We do it to test how a site works in non-ideal net/browsing conditions.
If you are/have been a web producer, you’ll find this survey on what they earn to be pretty interesting: medium.com/@JuliaJRH/how-much-do…
how do you feel about using # (pound) for groups. As in #barcamp [msg]?
Developer Experience Lead at @Uber; invented the hashtag; former Googler. I feel stupid and contagious. ???