What would the City of Surrey do differently? They’d design the pattern library first. bit.ly/1MpuyBP

What would the City of Surrey do differently? They’d design the pattern library first. bit.ly/1MpuyBP
seven-layer dip isn’t cool. you know what’s cool? a-billion-layer dip.
Like everything else about Git, it’s a great idea with the most hostile, inscrutable, and potentially destructive implementation possible.
#ThrowbackThursday Wonderful 2 see a #BabeeTenda that’s served a #family for 3 #generations! goo.gl/fjgnTp
“Maybe switching to [insert new JS framework] will compensate for my lack of actual JavaScript knowledge” – front-end developers in 2015.
We’re looking for a front-end engineer at @wirecutter. Crazy amazing team. Remote work: thewirecutter.com/jobs/front-end…
What’s the hex color of friendship?
What gear will make going back to school this fall better than last year? Tell us your thoughts: wirecutter.typeform.com/to/eExaa…
Now presenting at @WordPressDC!
“Welcome to the Internet”
Stream: youtu.be/wSPgLnfjqSA
. @aaronjorbin just mentioned an overlooked feature of 4.2. highlight text and paste a url over the text to make it a link :0 #wcphilly
Many #a11y issues can be fixed w/ Find & Replace. “Find” devs who take time to write accessible code to “Replace” the ones who don’t 😉
Key take away is experimentation is important. Style guides help us to experiment faster and to stay organized during revisions #wcphilly
As a designer, or as a developer, it isn’t about you.
It is about the user.
It’s always about the user.
Inside Nginx: How We Designed for Performance and Scale nginx.com/blog/inside-nginx-how-…
The point in the ocean furthest from land. Here you are surrounded by nearly 9 million square miles of water.
June’s @WordPressDC #Meetup will be #networking heavy. Join us 6/16 to rub elbows & exchange ideas w/ WP enthusaists bit.ly/1KWCAS7
Looks like this might be the end of the line for cardboard @kingkool68
I just found out my mum didn’t know how to set the clock on their new microwave. So they stayed up until midnight & then plugged it in
who else looks up “mac keyboard symbols” on the regular because they don’t speak fucking elf
It’s official! @agencyCHIEF is now the permanent home of @WordPressDC #Meetup. Join us on the 3rd Tues of every month bit.ly/1HeGash