jesus christ fish have somehow acquired money and are spending it on convincing us to eat them on twitter

jesus christ fish have somehow acquired money and are spending it on convincing us to eat them on twitter
How big is Africa?
I blarghed a little thing I learned about border radius: jessica-eldredge.com/2014/09/07/…
Do you have 100 seconds to be delighted by @maymothedog with 100 fruits/veggies on his head? youtube.com/watch?v=uDJEyAVZM80 t.co/sBN1obSyIR
registration and sponsorships for @AccessCampDC on Saturday Oct 11, are open. bit.ly/accesscampdc14
@noaheverett @twitpic You were the defacto standard before native Twitter images, this will create a lot of link rot
What a journey! I wouldn’t trade it for anything: Twitpic is shutting down, read our blog for more info bit.ly/WgmIpA
I usually don’t share the really scary stuff. But it’s important for folks to know how bad it gets [TRIGGER WARNING]
@zeldman @adactio In fact, the updated state motto is now, “Virginia Is For Servers.”
“[don’t use] some crazy will-never-be-a-standard binding expression invented by a fly-by-night JavaScript framework.” blog.dantup.com/2014/08/you-have…
announcing @AccessCampDC will be Saturday October 11, 2014. More details to follow. Registration opens soon. Looking for sponsors.
The hardest aspect of responsive web design is not the design/development, but dealing with the process/people involved. @brad_frost #AEACHI
Jobs w/@pewresearch digital team
Designer: pewrsr.ch/1qh5u76
Developer: pewrsr.ch/1qh5sMD
Producer: pewrsr.ch/1qh5u79
What is our little Sprout … Boy or Girl?!?! instagram.com/p/sDHHr4xzRd/
Russell Heimlich: Building pewresearch.org –
English: Join two things with “;” and end a statement with “.”
Programing languages: Join two things with “.” and end a statement with “;”
A human should be able to…
A programmer should be able to…
Fingers crossed the Clippers win the NBA title next year, a championship parade with Ballmer?! A-M-A-Z-I-N-G
If Twitter makes unsolicited fav-casting a thing I will be forced to manual-fave by replying to good tweets with a ⭐️
I still believe in progressive enhancement
designer at compositor.io – trying to leave the web a little bit better than I found it.