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Amazeballs, douchebaggery, and YOLO among additions to Oxford Dictionary. We are losing…
Next Tues, @WordPressDC is on at @WeWorkDC with @BenBalter @nacin & @PerisphereMedia ; talks on GitHub & WP v4.0:…
Someone claiming to be the Gamma hacker has put up this pastebin explaining how s/he did it.
Does anyone have the Twilight saga on DVD or BluRay … And we could borrow it?!?!
Very impromptu developer get-together today at 6:30. WeWork Wonder Bread. Talk about REST APIs, WP dev. RSVP here:…
Security releases don’t get much more coordinated than this one. Major props to the Drupal team and @Nirgoldshlager:…
WordCamp Baltimore is coming on October 18th, if you’re interested in keeping up to date signup here: !
Battery life on T-Mo smartphones lasts longer than competitors according to recent test
in 2007, the SunSpider Javascript benchmark took 5.4 seconds. Today it takes 153 milliseconds. 35x faster in 7 years.
Love this quote – “no line of instruction will compensate for a bad design.“ —
Reviewing my own code and feeling like a dick for using British spelling in my variables and classnames for the @codeforamerica site.
Solar System CMS lulz
Remember when blogging was fun?
Before you switch a developer from the thing they’re working on to another thing, pretend that it’s a 2h drive to the other job, + 2h back.
Mixed race couples experience “the bizarre enthusiasm of strangers who marvel, ‘Your babies will be so beautiful.’”…
Content management is not a technical problem, it’s a people problem. And a content problem.
We are streaming live transcripts from #SRCCON on three channels: (archives will be posted after the conference)
Vanity metrics: a piece of data upon which you cannot act. – @sazzy Examples: hits, total signups, pageviews, likes, retweets #aeadc
The @HoeflerCo folks built their own tools to help them do their work better. More of this. #aeadc