it was great seeing @nacin, @kingkool68, @lelandf & the rest of the @WordPressDC crowd again. let’s not wait another 9 months!
it was great seeing @nacin, @kingkool68, @lelandf & the rest of the @WordPressDC crowd again. let’s not wait another 9 months!
“Solve the REAL problem—your boss’s expectation that websites look and work the same in all browsers. Don’t perpetuate the problem.” #aeasd
The more tools (modernizr, boilerplate, jQuery, bootstrap) you use by default, the more download tax you’re putting on user. @adactio #aeasd
How much longer do we to act like we know what we are doing?
A pic of Macaulay Culkin wearing a t-shirt w/ a pic of Ryan Gosling wearing a shirt that has a pic of Macaulay Culkin
Oh sweet irony, the World Bank report concluding that no one reads their pdf reports … is published in a pdf. bit.ly/QwO08f
We’re hiring a web developer @pewresearch – come work w/@kingkool68, @nekolaweb and a bunch of other nice folks pewrsr.ch/RqEt3w
Death to special snowflake architectures. 99% of problems have been solved before. Do it the way other devs will understand quickly.
Have you ever thought to yourself “what’s the most 90s thing that could ever feasibly exist”? Well, wonder no more.
WordPress 3.9.1 Maintenance Release: wp.me/pZhYe-Qh
UGGGHHH “charts” like this! MT @NBCNews Infographic: Top 10 cities hiring new college grads nbcnews.to/RusUIm
May the 8th Be With You …
This has a simple clarity that, I would argue, amounts to poetry. poop.bike/
Corporate Avoidance – corporateavoidance.com/
Is Chrome your browser of choice because of dev tools? #Firefox are improving and we want your feedback: ffdevtools.uservoice.com/
Progressive enhancement isn’t about dealing with users switching off JS, but dealing with things you can’t foresee. @adactio #artifactconf
El Rey is celebrating Cinco de Mayo with a taco made entirely of pork—including a woven bacon shell: bit.ly/POiaDB
Perfect shot from THE OMEN (1976) DoP: Gilbert Taylor | Dir: Richard Donner
Lovers of perfect frames and pictures in motion. Founded by @TheGeoffTodd. The rest you can now blame on @rejects. Part of Film School Rejects.