Make it more UXy.
Make it more UXy.
Please RT! Last Week’s jQuery DC event has been rescheduled to this Thursday ow.ly/vak4R cc @AccessibilityDC
WordPress 3.9
Let’s make the date official
It’s April 16
Got a projector and a fridge? We’re looking for a new home in DC to hold our meetups! email elgreg at the gmail if you’re innerested.
“I spent a week using only mobile internet, and so should you.” j.mp/1dvfOof
scroll-driven design is slowly revealing its true nature as powerpoint for the web
A website is not a “digital experience.” It’s a website. #ixd14
Endorsed RT @webjournalist: I’ve decided to launch Pew Pew Pew Research, which will study the Internet and cats.
Latest smartwatch design
Hey DC developers, designers, UXers and other geeks, let’s talk Accessibility tomorrow at iStrategyLabs ow.ly/uUyXc
We are experiencing a DDoS attack. All apps may be slow to respond while we investigate. Stay tuned for updates.
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No one cares
about your
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13 years ago Russell asked me to go out with him … I think it turned out alright! @ Hammond High School instagram.com/p/l0m-wpRzUp/
Twitter is blocked in Turkey. On the streets of Istanbul, the action against censorship is graffiti DNS addresses.
It would be awesome if twitter made a Wilhelm scream sound every time you unfollowed somebody.
Since mega- is the metric prefix for a million, “Mega Millions” state lottery jackpots should really be paying trillions.
Wizard clip art is best clip art
We need to educate the entire organization, not just developers about accessibility. Content creators, designers, everyone. #a11ycampbay
You can still whisper. The tree hears all. MT @kingkool68: I wish the Wish Tree was open. @hirshhorn
Can we design #a11y products that enable #empathy after use ? #a11ycampbay
Use Twitter for public prototyping of thoughts on sensory user experience & cognition, usability, wearables & museums. #SensoryUX