Getting excited about our next meetup? So are we!
We love this event and the community, but we need your help to keep it going.
We need companies to step up and help support the DC #JavaScript group. Is that your org? Reach out to us today!
Getting excited about our next meetup? So are we!
We love this event and the community, but we need your help to keep it going.
We need companies to step up and help support the DC #JavaScript group. Is that your org? Reach out to us today!
Excited for our next meetup? Of course you are. It’s only a week from tomorrow. Tell a friend! meetup.com/DC-JavaScript/events/…
Changes are afoot!
Got a projector and a fridge? We’re looking for a new home in DC to hold our meetups! email elgreg at the gmail if you’re innerested.
Lots of great pics from last night’s git workshop meetup. Thanks for uploading @roguevoice!
Join us tomorrow night at #jQuery DC when @tmcw talks about D3.
Nov 12th – Back to Basics
A friendly reminder that #dcjq was rescheduled for next Thursday (7/19). RSVP here: meetup.com/DC-jQuery-Users-Group… We could also use a sponsor!
Don’t forget, dcjq[8] is tonight @fathomcreative at 7pm (that is, of course, if we don’t have another earthquake)!
DC’s Front end focused JavaScript meetup. Give a talk, hear a talk, and meetup old and new colleagues.