Damn. Pew Research’s Internet Project—one of my favorite things—has a lovely new responsive site: pewinternet.org/
(via @jungshadow)
Damn. Pew Research’s Internet Project—one of my favorite things—has a lovely new responsive site: pewinternet.org/
(via @jungshadow)
At times, it feels like many of our challenges stem from treating “accessibility” and “performance” as somehow separate from “web design.”
Wrote about the brilliant @PicPedant, debunking viral picture nonsense: buzzfeed.com/tomphillips/14-incr…
R.I.P Geeks Adventure Club (@gacdc) aeb.sr/2014/02/03/rip-geeks-adve…
I love it when @TheOnion parodies @pewresearch Report: Rising # Of Weak, Emasculated Men Working As Stay-At-Home Dads onion.com/1g6RWns
UX designer job description:
• loves Sharpies
• hates Photoshop
Please bring own high horse.
Post-it notes supplied.
All human-friendly times (e.g. 2 hours ago, 5 days ago, etc) should show a proper absolute timestamp on hover or similar.
<) )╯Is there
( (> gluten in
<) )> these waffles?
@nacin @anthonydpaul @kingkool68 Please help with short research survey on web design/dev goo.gl/eoLmtQ Really appreciate a RT
Check out the redesigned c-span.org/. Contemporary design, mobile friendly, focus on Congress.
Belly buttons would be cooler if they were USB ports.
Heh. RT @DeveloperSteve: Developers will be able to relate
Only lookin for a chick that’s WiFi material
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I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by the ridiculous notion that CoffeeScript is a good idea.
The problem with the mantra “Done is better than perfect” is that design is never done and it’s never perfect.
I would just run inside Aeropostale if there was a mall shooting. Nobody ever goes in there.
WordPress 3.8.1 Maintenance Release: wp.me/pZhYe-Np
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