Here at Paradigm Synergy, we feel that Web 2.0 is Web 2.SLOW
Here at Paradigm Synergy, we feel that Web 2.0 is Web 2.SLOW
Exactly, exactly right on infographics. xkcd.com/1273/ by @xkcdrss
Sounds like gunfire heard at the Capitol, they are now on lockdown.
The best descriptions of Twitter are all from September 2008 qz.com/130189
Instead of trying to figure out what the issues are behind the government shutdown I should come up with some funny comment. – Social Media
We Finally Got a Piece Of The 3.14159
“I wanted a flying car and all I got was a way for the entire planet to communicate instantly via massively powerful pocket computers.”
Do what you do best and link to the rest -@jeffjarvis in the @pewresearch house.
“When you learn to code, you’re learning to think precisely, logically, and analytically” hilarymason.com/blog/learn-to-co… by @hmason #ddj #dataviz
Are you indecisive? No? Yes? Not sure? Well then, DECISIONTRON (v2.7)! decisiontron.com Funded by Murphy Foundation (@grahammurphy)
The Great Potential of a Pew Internet and American Life Project API – ow.ly/pdgSD
The roads of North Virginia are full of horrible people who should really not be driving.
best quote of the night “#data is often incomplete, and so are people.”
Excel > Import CSV
Delimited or fixed-width? It’s a CSV.
Delimiter: Tab, Semicolon, Comma, Space, Other? It’s a CSV.
Full-screen-mode this for a rainy pause. maroslaw.github.io/rainyday.js/d…
WP TEST :: a huge import file for WordPress tester sites to test plugins and such against. wptest.io/
crazy google street views:
“Our redesign is confusing. Should we come up with something easier to use?”
“No, let’s write some instructions.”
TRUTH! @aaronjorbin: “enemy is NOT other open source projects; the enemy is closed-source.” #WCBalt
Keys to submitting bug reports for WordPress #wcbalt
Front-End Developer Lead @webdevstudios // Born in NY, Raised In NJ, College at The []_[] // Husband & Father // Fan of Sports, Food, Traveling and Comedy